这项研究提出了一种新的数据库和方法,以检测由于酒精,药物消耗和昏昏欲睡而导致的警报条件的减少,而近亲(NIR)眼球周围眼部图像。该研究的重点是确定外部因素对中枢神经系统(CNS)的影响。目的是分析这如何影响虹膜和学生运动行为,以及是否可以用标准的IRIS NIR捕获装置对这些更改进行分类。本文提出了修改的MobileNetV2,以对来自酒精/药物/嗜睡影响的受试者拍摄的虹膜NIR图像进行分类。结果表明,基于MobileNETV2的分类器可以在耐心等方面从饮酒和药物消耗后捕获的虹膜样品的不合适性条件,分别检测精度分别为91.3%和99.1%。嗜睡状况是最具挑战性的72.4%。对于属于FIT/UNFIT类的两类分组图像,该模型的准确度分别为94.0%和84.0%,使用的参数数量较小,而不是标准的深度学习网络算法。这项工作是开发自动系统以对“适合值班”进行分类并防止因酒精/吸毒和嗜睡而导致事故的生物识别应用程序迈出的一步。
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这项研究提出了一种检测近距离红外(NIR)眼周眼图像的酒精消耗的方法。该研究的重点是确定外部因素(例如酒精对中枢神经系统(CNS))的影响。目的是分析这如何影响虹膜和学生运动,以及是否可以使用标准的Iris NIR相机捕获这些更改。本文提出了一个新型的融合胶囊网络(F-CAPSNET),以对饮酒受试者拍摄的虹膜NIR图像进行分类。结果表明,使用一半参数作为标准胶囊网络算法,F-CAPSNET算法可以检测IRIS NIR图像中的酒精消耗,精度为92.3%。这项工作是开发自动系统以估计“适合值班”并防止因饮酒而导致事故的一步。
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面部变形攻击检测具有挑战性,并为面部验证系统带来了具体和严重的威胁。此类攻击的可靠检测机制已通过强大的跨数据库协议和未知的变形工具进行了测试,这仍然是一项研究挑战。本文提出了一个框架,遵循了几次射击学习方法,该方法使用三胞胎 - 硬性损坏共享基于暹罗网络的图像信息,以应对变形攻击检测并增强聚类分类过程。该网络比较了真正的或潜在的变形图像与变形和真正的面部图像的三胞胎。我们的结果表明,这个新的网络将数据点群集成,并将它们分配给类,以便在跨数据库方案中获得较低的相等错误率,仅共享来自未知数据库的小图像编号。几乎没有学习的学习有助于增强学习过程。使用FRGCV2训练并使用FERET和AMSL开放式数据库测试的跨数据库的实验结果将BPCer10使用RESNET50和5.50%的MobileNETV2从43%降低到4.91%。
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删除身份证图像中的背景是远程验证系统的真正挑战,因为许多重新数字化图像存在杂乱的背景,照明条件差,失真和闭塞。 ID卡图像中的背景使分类器和文本提取困扰。由于缺乏用于研究的可用图像,该领域今天代表了计算机愿景中的一个开放问题。这项工作提出了一种使用ID卡的语义分割来删除背景的方法。最后,使用由45,007张图像组成的手动标记的数据集在实际操作中捕获的图像,其中包括来自三个国家(智利,阿根廷和墨西哥)的五种类型的ID卡,包括典型的演示攻击情景。该方法可以帮助改进常规身份验证或文档篡改检测系统中的以下阶段。根据MobileNet和DenSenet10探索了两种深入学习方法。使用MobileNet获得最佳结果,具有650万参数。智利身份证的平均交叉路口(IOO)在4,988张图像的私人测试数据集中为0.9926。来自智利,阿根廷和墨西哥的ID卡片图像的融合多国数据集的最佳成果达到了0.9911的IOU。所提出的方法是重量轻,足以用于移动设备上的实时操作。
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There is a dramatic shortage of skilled labor for modern vineyards. The Vinum project is developing a mobile robotic solution to autonomously navigate through vineyards for winter grapevine pruning. This necessitates an autonomous navigation stack for the robot pruning a vineyard. The Vinum project is using the quadruped robot HyQReal. This paper introduces an architecture for a quadruped robot to autonomously move through a vineyard by identifying and approaching grapevines for pruning. The higher level control is a state machine switching between searching for destination positions, autonomously navigating towards those locations, and stopping for the robot to complete a task. The destination points are determined by identifying grapevine trunks using instance segmentation from a Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network (Mask-RCNN). These detections are sent through a filter to avoid redundancy and remove noisy detections. The combination of these features is the basis for the proposed architecture.
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Ithaca is a Fuzzy Logic (FL) plugin for developing artificial intelligence systems within the Unity game engine. Its goal is to provide an intuitive and natural way to build advanced artificial intelligence systems, making the implementation of such a system faster and more affordable. The software is made up by a C\# framework and an Application Programming Interface (API) for writing inference systems, as well as a set of tools for graphic development and debugging. Additionally, a Fuzzy Control Language (FCL) parser is provided in order to import systems previously defined using this standard.
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Quantum Machine Learning (QML) shows how it maintains certain significant advantages over machine learning methods. It now shows that hybrid quantum methods have great scope for deployment and optimisation, and hold promise for future industries. As a weakness, quantum computing does not have enough qubits to justify its potential. This topic of study gives us encouraging results in the improvement of quantum coding, being the data preprocessing an important point in this research we employ two dimensionality reduction techniques LDA and PCA applying them in a hybrid way Quantum Support Vector Classifier (QSVC) and Variational Quantum Classifier (VQC) in the classification of Diabetes.
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Uncertainty quantification is crucial to inverse problems, as it could provide decision-makers with valuable information about the inversion results. For example, seismic inversion is a notoriously ill-posed inverse problem due to the band-limited and noisy nature of seismic data. It is therefore of paramount importance to quantify the uncertainties associated to the inversion process to ease the subsequent interpretation and decision making processes. Within this framework of reference, sampling from a target posterior provides a fundamental approach to quantifying the uncertainty in seismic inversion. However, selecting appropriate prior information in a probabilistic inversion is crucial, yet non-trivial, as it influences the ability of a sampling-based inference in providing geological realism in the posterior samples. To overcome such limitations, we present a regularized variational inference framework that performs posterior inference by implicitly regularizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence loss with a CNN-based denoiser by means of the Plug-and-Play methods. We call this new algorithm Plug-and-Play Stein Variational Gradient Descent (PnP-SVGD) and demonstrate its ability in producing high-resolution, trustworthy samples representative of the subsurface structures, which we argue could be used for post-inference tasks such as reservoir modelling and history matching. To validate the proposed method, numerical tests are performed on both synthetic and field post-stack seismic data.
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Understanding 3D environments semantically is pivotal in autonomous driving applications where multiple computer vision tasks are involved. Multi-task models provide different types of outputs for a given scene, yielding a more holistic representation while keeping the computational cost low. We propose a multi-task model for panoptic segmentation and depth completion using RGB images and sparse depth maps. Our model successfully predicts fully dense depth maps and performs semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and panoptic segmentation for every input frame. Extensive experiments were done on the Virtual KITTI 2 dataset and we demonstrate that our model solves multiple tasks, without a significant increase in computational cost, while keeping high accuracy performance. Code is available at https://github.com/juanb09111/PanDepth.git
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Detecting anomalous data within time series is a very relevant task in pattern recognition and machine learning, with many possible applications that range from disease prevention in medicine, e.g., detecting early alterations of the health status before it can clearly be defined as "illness" up to monitoring industrial plants. Regarding this latter application, detecting anomalies in an industrial plant's status firstly prevents serious damages that would require a long interruption of the production process. Secondly, it permits optimal scheduling of maintenance interventions by limiting them to urgent situations. At the same time, they typically follow a fixed prudential schedule according to which components are substituted well before the end of their expected lifetime. This paper describes a case study regarding the monitoring of the status of Laser-guided Vehicles (LGVs) batteries, on which we worked as our contribution to project SUPER (Supercomputing Unified Platform, Emilia Romagna) aimed at establishing and demonstrating a regional High-Performance Computing platform that is going to represent the main Italian supercomputing environment for both computing power and data volume.
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